Laser Therapy
Adana has been using laser therapy since 2008, when this treatment modality was introduced in the United States. As we love the benefits of laser, we updated our equipment in December, 2017 to the new CTX-15 unit. This machine embraces the newest research in laser therapy and utilizes even better technology; it is a Class IV FDA approved Laser Treatment Unit. Laser therapy is a very exciting non-invasive addition to treatments in veterinary medicine as well as human medicine. Using a wavelength close to infrared light, laser therapy will stimulate the metabolism of cells, speed up healing, work as an anti-inflammatory agent and increase the release of endorphins (the body’s own “pain-killer”). Laser therapy is a drug-free and painless alternative to treat joint pain, acute sprains and injuries as, well as decrease inflammation (swelling). Laser treatment has so many uses!
Laser treatments are fabulous at providing immediate relief for painful and inflammatory conditions. It provides almost immediate relief for patients with acute bladder infections and pain. Laser therapy will help heal wounds, fractures, acute ear- and skin infections, and much more. The therapeutic laser has a special place in helping geriatric patients with chronic joint pain and arthritis.
At Adana Veterinary Clinic we routinely treat all of our surgery patients to decrease their post operative pain and swelling with the objective of keeping them as comfortable as possible.
The laser treatment is prescribed by the veterinarian after a physical exam and consultation with the owner. A licensed veterinary technician or a trained veterinary assistant will carry out the actual treatment of the pet. Some patients need only a few treatments, others may benefit from long-term treatments. The photomodulation typically takes only 5 – 10 minutes, most patients relax and enjoy the treatments, no sedation is required. The protocol for more chronic conditions will require treatments 2-3 times weekly for 2 to 3 weeks, then decreasing in frequency until a maintenance level is reached that keeps the pet comfortable.
As we are using a wavelength close to infrared light, all people close to the treatment beam are required to wear safety googles to protect our eyes from any accidental exposure. When we use the laser close to the pet’s face, we also “dress” them up with safety googles.
At Adana we are proud and excited to use this cool technology for the benefit of our patients! Please talk to a staff member or veterinarian if you have more questions regarding Therapeutic Laser use.