Digital Radiology, Ultrasound & Lab

We have high tech equipment to run most blood tests in-house. By utilizing our Idexx machines we are able to get accurate results within 30 minutes of the blood draw from a patient. This is very beneficial when dealing with sick patients. Specialty tests have to be sent out; for this we utilize Cornell’s Animal Health Diagnostic Center or Idexx Reference Laboratories.

Our Idexx lab consist of the Catalyst® that will run organ tests (chemistries) as well as electrolytes (sodium, potassium and chloride). This is an advanced dry slide technology lab station that accurately can run multiple blood samples at once. Adana also owns a ProCyte Dx®. This hematology machine will run what is called a CBC (Complete Blood Count) with 26 parameters, it uses laser technology to count 50,000 cells per minute.

Our licensed veterinary technicians are well trained in performing full urinalysis, blood cell evaluations under the microscope (differentials), screening for parasite eggs in fecal samples, evaluation for presence of mites, yeast or bacteria on slides from skin or ear-and much more.

All the testing we do requires highly trained staff and expensive equipment that must be maintained properly. Our licensed veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants are crucial in making sure all machines are maintained properly.

Digital X-ray and Ultrasound

Adana has a digital radiology suite with an updated high frequency unit (July 2019), providing us with high quality diagnostic X-ray images. The crisp imaging obtained is paramount in diagnosing many conditions. We submit the radio-graphs electronically to a board certified radiologist as needed for interpretation. In December 2022 Adana updated our ultrasound equipment to a wireless scanner. It is used for diagnostic, full abdominal ultrasounds as well as pregnancy diagnosis, bladder scans and more. Full abdominal ultrasound images are transmitted electronically to a board certified veterinary radiologist for a full consult and report. Ultrasound is a great tool for visualization of the bladder for assessment and facilitating urine collection. For some patients we may recommend referral for an ultrasound with a board certified radiologist.